Plan now for annual fall used book sale

Signing up early to be a Library Friends member is an annual tradition for our book sale lovers. The benefit of getting your membership early (or early membership) is the opportunity to come to the book sale before it opens to the public (or non-members). The first day of our week-long fall sale is reserved only for our Friends of the Library.

Becoming a Friend of the Library (FOL) is easy. Check in at the adult desk at the library. You will be given a form to fill out. Then you decide how much you would like to donate. The more you give, the more the library may offer its patrons.

The annual fall sale is held in the basement of the Jefferson public library. This year it will begin one day early for Friends members on Friday, Sept. 17. More details to come.

Do you have books, puzzles, DVD movies, music CDs or audiobooks to donate that are in good condition? Please deposit them in the bin in the library entryway. If it is a large donation, please call the library at 515-386-2835 to make arrangements.  

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